What it is all about:

When you combined energy efficient windows with a proper design, the use of artificial lighting will be reduced during the daytime hours without needed to use more energy heating/cooling the space.
How to implement:
South facing windows are best for day light and maintaining a comfortable temperature throughout the different seasons. The south facing windows will let plenty of light into
he home during winter without letting
in direct light in the summer. North windows are also and okay option
for day light, but east and west will let in too much direct light. The
east and west windows are necessary for cross ventilation however.
Does it work:
Of course! When a building maximizes its natural light while keeping seasonal temperature change to a minimum without using energy it is always a
win. If you need more plenty studies have been
conducted about humans and work productivity in a naturally lit
environment. Humans thrive in natural light.
Terms to be familiar with:
Tubular Daylighting
Device (Tubular Skylight): Something like a compound skylight. A tubular
model will use mirrors and lenses to spread light within a building.
Lighting Power Density: a means to measure the electrical lighting installed in a building with a mathematical formula.
Indirect Lighting: Lighting that is a result from reflection...like some of the light from a tubular skylight.
Building Envelope: The external boundary of a building. Walls, entrances, windows, and roofs.