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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The world economy doesn't need us anymore

Just read this on reddit. Our economy doesn't need us anymore. This article explains how technology will save us all in the long run, but right now technology is killing us all slowly...the rich will continue to get rich and everyone will be left behind in this void space. I suggest you invest in solar panels and learn how to grow food for yourself as soon as possible.

tumbleweed3.jpgRoughly speaking the world's economy has always worked as a giant pass-along-game between the planet’s citizens. Person A needed stuff from person B and person B needed stuff from person C and person C needed stuff from person A. So everyone needed everybody. It has been a kind of giant circle of needs.

But as a smaller and smaller number of people are needed to make the basic things that people need for survival, from food to energy, to clothing and housing, the less likely it is that some people will be needed at all. 

When you read in the press the oft-quoted concept that “those jobs aren’t coming back” this “reduction of need” is what underlies all of it. Technology has reduced the need for labor. And the labor that *is* needed can’t be done in more developed nations because there are people elsewhere who will happily provide that labor less expensively.

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