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Scavenge your bliss

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Other things I find useful to recycle.

Currently there are a few other things I try to grab before they get hauled off into the garbage, I enjoy saving bottle caps, corks and crown royal bags. All of these things continuously get thrown into the trash and accumulate volume in our dumpsters.
There is a high goal in saving these random items however. That larger goal is to see these items that should be thrown away and watch them transform into a beautiful work of art. Possibly an installment of one sort or another. It is currently winter in my neck of the woods so there is no current project besides to stockpile as many bottle caps as possible. The crown bags are used for storage of all sorts and soon possibly a nice blanket made from the soft lush fabric...or maybe some slippers...
The wine corks are used pretty much just for filler or vases and things like that....basically just to look pretty. It is a little silly to buy a bunch of beans or rocks to fill a glass just to look pretty so when I found someone using wine corks instead I began to gobble them up too.

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